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Dynamic Routing protocol

What is Dynamic Routing protocol :-  Dynamic routing protocols play an important role in networks. The following sections Explain some important benefits that dynamic routing protocols give. In many
Networks, dynamic routing protocols are many uses in big scenario with many security and flexibility

Evolution of Dynamic Routing protocol :- Dynamic routing protocols have been used in networks since the early 1980s. The first version
of RIP was released in 1982, but some of the basic algorithms within the protocol were
used on the ARPANET as early as 1969.

Role of Dynamic Routing Protocol :- What exactly are dynamic routing protocols? Routing protocols are used to facilitate the exchange of routing information between routers. Routing protocols allow routers to dynamically learn information about remote networks and automatically add this information to their own routing tables,
Routing protocols determine the best path to each network, which is then added to the routing
table. One of the primary benefits of using a dynamic routing protocol is that routers
exchange routing information whenever there is a topology change. This exchange allows
routers to automatically learn about new networks and also to find alternate paths if there is
a link failure to a current network.

Static Routing Usage, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Static routing has several primary uses, including the following:

■ Minimal CPU processing
■ Easier for administrator to understand
■ Easy to configure

 Static routing disadvantages are as follows:
■ Configuration and maintenance are time-consuming.
■ Administrator intervention is required to maintain changing route information.
■ Requires complete knowledge of the entire network for proper implementation.

Dynamic Routing Advantages and Disadvantages

■ Administrator has less work in maintaining the configuration when adding or deleting
■ Protocols automatically react to the topology changes.
■ Configuration is less error-prone.
■ More scalable; growing the network usually does not present a problem.
Dynamic routing disadvantages are as follows:
■ Router resources are used (CPU cycles, memory, and link bandwidth).
■ More administrator knowledge is required for configuration, verification, and

Explanation of Dynamic Routing protocol 


Distance Vector Routing protocol :- A distance-vector routing protocol requires that a router inform its neighbors of topology changes periodically
Distance Vector routing protocols base their decisions on the best path to a given destination based on the distance. Distance is usually measured in hops, though the distance metric could be delay,
Example :- RIPv1 , RIPv2 , IGRP (EIGRP)

Link State Routing protocol :-  Link state protocols are also called shortest-path-first protocols. Link state routing protocols have a complete picture of the network topology. Hence they know more about the whole network than any distance vector protocol.
Example :- OSPF , IS-IS

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