The Cisco Access Control List
(ACL) is are used for filtering traffic based
on a given filtering criteria on a router or switch interface. Based on the
conditions supplied by the ACL, a packet is allowed or blocked from further
movement.Cisco ACLs are available for several types of routed protocols including IP,
IPX, AppleTalk, XNS, DECnet, and others. However, we will be discussing ACLs
pertaining to TCP/IP protocol only. ACLs for TCP/IP traffic filtering are primarily divided into two types:
Standard Access Control Lists:
Standard IP ACLs range
from 1 to 99. A Standard Access List allows you to permit or deny traffic
FROM specific IP addresses. The destination of the packet and the ports involved
can be anything.
This is the command syntax format of a standard
access-list access-list-number
{host|source source-wildcard|any}
Extended Access Control Lists: Extended IP ACLs allow
you to permit or deny traffic from specific IP addresses to a specific
destination IP address and port. It also allows you to have granular control by
specifying controls for different types of protocols such as ICMP, TCP, UDP, etc
within the ACL statements. Extended IP ACLs range from 100 to 199. In Cisco IOS
Software Release 12.0.1, extended ACLs began to use additional numbers (2000 to
The syntax for IP Extended ACL is given below:
access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol source
destination destination-wildcard [precedence precedence]
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